For the careful use of resources.
eco2mobility promotes clean mobility and creates sustainable benefit for everyone.
By setting up a charging infrastructure, with eco2mobility you are not only satisfying statutory requirements but also creating incentives to switch to clean mobility. If you don’t have somewhere to charge at home, you’ll be more likely to make the switch to an electric car or bike if you can charge them at work.
Here as well, our system approach shows the way: You save energy and sustainably reduce the carbon footprint of your properties – especially when the electricity comes from your own photovoltaic system.
E-charging station
eco2mobility can do even more: The smart app can quickly show you which e-charging stations are free. Charged cars are moved elsewhere – thanks to a reliable key and parking service at reception. When it’s time to drive home in the evening, your keys are waiting and your car is charged. And the app will even tell you where it’s parked.
E-charging station
- Installation of a forward-facing infrastructure
- Digital management by app
- Parking service
Bike locker with charging
Ihr E-Bike steht mit eco2mobility nicht nur sicher, sondern ebenfalls mit voller Leistung für die Heimfahrt bereit. Ein Bike-Locker mit Steckdose lädt Ihren Akku auf und Platz für Helm und Regencape ist ebenfalls vorhanden.
With eco2mobility, your e-bike is not just safe but also fully charged and ready for your ride home. A bike locker with a socket charges your battery, and there’s even a place for your helmet and rain cape.
Bike locker
- Promotes sustainable mobility
- Careful use of resources
- A healthy boost to wellbeing
Bike tool station
Riding your bike to work is a very sensible decision. Leaving your car behind and avoiding the carbon emissions not only keeps you fit but is also a sign of mental flexibility. And even if something happens to break, a screw needs tightening or a tyre needs some air, our bike tool station is on hand so that you can help yourself. High-quality tools and a repair stand will help you out in a jam. And of course the foot pump has adapters for all standard valves.
It’s good that there’s eco2mobility.
Your questions about e-mobility deserve the best answers and a concept tailored to your needs. Get in touch with us now, we’ll be happy to advise you.